Sunday, May 16, 2010

Welcome to the world.

12 days ago, baby Jaxon made his entrance into the world. I've been anxiously awaiting his arrival, along with a lot of other people, most particularly his parents, Laura and Derrek. He was very cooperative with being posed, pulled and prodded for a couple hours and didn't seem to miss his nap much. Of course, I balked at any photography at all until I'd had a nice long cuddle session and kissed the poor child silly. But what can you do? He's just so cute and tiny. I even caught an actual smile. Oh yes, it was. Don't even try to tell me it was something else. I'm not buying. I love watching Laura and Derrek's family grow and feel privileged to share part of it with them.

Meet Jaxon!

1 comment:

  1. Jessica Killin9:07 PM

    Hey Michelle-

    It's Jessica Killin... I just have to tell you... The pictures of this beautiful baby Jaxon actually brought tears to my eyes!!! He is SOOO precious and you capture this preciousness SO well!!!
