Sunday, May 29, 2011

Megan + John, Mt. Shasta Wedding May 28, 2011 [Mt. Shasta Wedding Photographer]

You wouldn't believe it could snow, rain, and be sunny all on the same day, and certainly not when it's almost June. But it did. The wind howled! The bride shook with cold! (So did I, with lots more on than her.) The wedding was perfect notwithstanding the iffy weather, by the shore of Lake Siskiyou in Mt. Shasta. Megan used to be a little girl when I first met her. Look what a radiant beauty she has turned out to be! Following the ceremony was a tasty dinner and lots of unrestrained dancing at the Mt. Shasta Community Center. They warned me they liked to party. Good thing I love that part of the festivities! I had a wonderful day and loved shooting you guys. Have a wonderful married life!


  1. I'm loving the ring photo on the rustic wood!

  2. Thanks Dan. :) Your photos are just beautiful!!
